Legal terms is a website operated by SOC ERTIM, Limited Company with Board of Directors with a registered capital of 110 000 euros located at 26 rue Berthollet, 75005 Paris, registered under architecture activity (7111Z)  under number 323 300 194.

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Cookie policy

Cookie is a small text file stored on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit a website or an application. Cookies are commonly used to make our website work and improve your navigation efficiently. They are used to retain, during the validity period of the cookie in question, status information when your browser accesses the various pages of our website and when your browser subsequently returns to our website. They can’t damage your device. Cookies save data anonymously. They can’t be used to identify you personnally or by name. The website use two types of cookies to let you navigate between pages efficiently.

1.Functionnal cookies are required for technical purposes. These cookies are essential to make our website work.

– ServerID : technical cookie uses to load balancing of host server.

-Viewed_cookies_policy (lifespan : 1 year) : save your choice of using optional cookies. No personal information is collected.

2.Optional cookies are used to statistical analysis purposes :

-Google Analytics (lifespan : 2 years) : use cookies to monitor the uses and the statistics of our website visits anonymously like the number of unic users per page. These cookies provide us with analytical information about how our website is performing and how we can improve it to give you the most relevant content and let you navigate between pages efficiently.


During your first visit to our website, a banner will appear asking you to give us your consent to use or not cookies.


To change your consent on cookies policy, you can following the link below.

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